Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Place your Birthday Wishes here

Hello all

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Kevin Cork


Anonymous said...

Cheers to you big guy...75 years...wow...how awesome!
HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY! Hope its a great one!
Love Ian and Allison.

Unknown said...

HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY Gary Have a GREAT day Love Brandi & Alex

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to wish you all the best on your 75th. Hope it is the best year yet!! Best wishes and lots of love Chris and Denielle.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gary

Hope you have a fabulous day. Thanks for all the years of love and laughter and for being a great brother in law. Wishing the best year ever. Also a pool in the new house will keep the in laws coming around.

Love and Hugs
Your favorite Sister In Law

Unknown said...

Happy 75th Birthday Gary! (just about said Mr Cork!!) How time has flown...being Carolyn's friends,that was all we use to call you and now its Gary and you are 75!
You look great as ever and I hope you are enjoying some fabulous golf (shooting your age I assume)and a good relaxing life!
Hugs and Luv...
Cheryl Bernard (a very OLD friend of Carolyn's)

Ivan & Carol said...

May it be one of the best Birthdays you've had yet & lots of gifts .... Had a great time with you & Lourene in Scottsdale this past winter, looking forward to doing it again ...CHEERS, ENJOY YOUR DAY .... Cousin, Ivan & Carol

Frank Moody said...

Happy Birthday!
Seventy-five!!!!!!!! May this be your best year, yet.

May you be blessed in all your ventures.

Frank, Nola, and kids