Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday, Uncle Gary!!!  Sorry that this is posted so late. Been away from my email for a couple weeks. Honestly!
Three quarters of a century! Wow! I have a lot of good memories from my childhood with all us kids/cousins and everyone. Hard to believe how time flies.
I found out about Kate just now as well. I am dumbfounded. Please send my love and know I will be thinking of her and praying for a complete recovery. I regret not checking my email daily. 
 My email address and phone number is available but I have only heard from Shirlene with this latest email. I can be reached at: or 403-771-8915.
Once again, Uncle Gary, I hope your birthday was as good as it could be.
This horrible news of Kate obviously brought pain to you; the sorrow of which I share and will, in deep thought and prayer, stay close to support you. If I may support you or Lurane in any way at all, please, don't hesitate to let me know right away. I might not be able to do much but you never know until you ask.
 Love you all,
                    Sincerely, Sheldon

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